Designing Restaurant Pantà . . . The Dream I Didn't Know I Needed to Come True
The Story
Back at the beginning of summer in June, a friend (and restaurant owner) asked me to coffee for a chat. It had been a while since we’d seen each other, especially since the beginning of the pandemic, so I was excited to sit and catch up! And for a few minutes, that’s exactly what we did - although I had a feeling that “simply catching up” wasn’t all we were meeting for. And as I suspected, I was hit with some news - news that would leave me feeling equals parts honored, terrified, and excited! After sharing with me the direction for a new restaurant concept he had, he wanted to know if I would design the restaurant . . . ME!
To be honest, I didn’t know what to do with that question at the time. All I could think was - I’ve never designed a restaurant before, how would I even start the process? And a WHOLE building? Residential was my specialty and I’d only designed rooms at a time! In college, I even swore off designing in the commercial/hospitality space. So many emotions hit me at once! I asked Kelly (my friend) if he really wanted me to design his new restaurant! After a few attempts at trying to wiggle out of the ask - mainly due to nerves - and even suggesting other designers, Kelly told me, “I came to you because you are who I want to design the new space!”
Well . . . I guess it was time for me to get ready to design a restaurant!
You know I immediately called my parents to tell them the news!
During our initial sit down, Kelly told me about his experience in Barcelona, and how there he really came into himself as a chef and the amazing person he is today. He shared with me his favorite architect, Antoni Gaudi, and he would like to see a bit of Gaudi reflected in the design of his new restaurant, Pantà.
Below are a few shots of inspiration shared before taking on the project. Y’all, the #PowderRoomProject even made the cut as design inspo!

Photos, left to right: Park Güell - GYG | Casa Vincens - BFC | Powder Room Project
Just as Memphis - our beautiful city - is famed for having its own vibe distinct from the state of Tennessee, Barcelona, and it’s Catalan culture, is very much separate from that of Spain as a whole. And Kelly wanted Pantà’s design to embody both of the cultures. Moreover, he wanted there to be an explosion of COLOR in the new space . . . you know I love color!
Timeline & The Design Process
Because delays were the name of the game in 2021 - and continue to be today - our schedules worked out to where work would have to start in October, and the restaurant would have to be complete . . . in October. In the same month. Y’all - my nerves were shot! I mean, I was ready to take on the project, but having a 3-4 week turnaround to transform a restaurant was HIGHLY ambitious! Especially with the supply chain issues faced in the interior design world.
Just before starting the design process, and as a last moment to gather inspiration, and recharge my batteries completely, I went to Puerto Rico. Because Pantà’s interiors were to be inspired by both Spain and Memphis, - a predominantly Africa-American city - I wanted to visit an island rooted in both African and Spanish culture to see how their mixed influences translated to design and architecture.
After a week of rejuvenation and being inspired like never before, the design process began. Below are a few of the initial concepts sent over to Kelly and his team.
On September 24th, as I sat on my gym floor - I’d just finished working out to calm my nerves - I hit “send’ on the design proposal to Kelly and his team . . . Shortly after, the proposal was approved and it was time to start meeting to get the project rolling . . . y’all, I could have fainted I was so relieved!
But then I remembered, the project had to be complete and ready for open October 29th! The nerves came back - but, it’s about the small wins, right?!
Week 1: Let The Fun Begin!
The Before
During week one, it was time to call in the help of James and James of Handyman Pro, so that they could round up all the other star team members that would be needed to make this project happen in time! From the plumbers, to electricians, painters - we had to have everyone in place and ready to work!
And since we were doing custom upholstery work, I divided the tasks into two teams. My sister and second mom would take on the barstools, and a dream team of two professionals - Elizabeth and Randy - I’d met over the phone, would handle the rest of the chair cushions, banquette and window treatments. Custom work at this magnitude - and in three weeks - was unheard of. One thing that did save us time was that we repurposed all of the existing furniture.
Adding new upholstery was a way to breathe new life into the existing pieces without breaking the bank. Too, it was a move in the right direction of sustainability!
By then, I’d already hired my design assistant, Anthony - who stepped in and shined like never before. Finally, everyone was in place, and it was time to get the party started!
Week 2: Divide and Conquer
In week two, we really started to get things going! From the painting teams rocking and rolling, items showing up ON TIME, and everyone being driven by adrenaline, it was a beautiful thing to see the plan in full motion!
During this week, our wallpaper for the main dining area even showed up! I must admit, I was realllllllly biting my nails anticipating this paper’s arrival, mainly because it was coming all the way from Australia! And with the general delays designers as a whole have been facing, I knew I was taking a chance. But, this was THE paper. Like the only one that would take this design to the next level!
To our surprise, the paper made it in a few days early, which gave our wallpaper hanger time to fully assess his scope of work. I might add, Mr. Sam is one of the last traditional wallpaper hangers in our city, who just HAPPENED to have time in his schedule before . . . his retirement!
Things were looking up! But then . . .
On a fateful Wednesday, the wrong paint colors had been applied to the restaurant’s first bathroom. To no human error at all! Rather, due to a machine coding error - and the wrong base - the paint colors were mixed incorrectly. For this bathroom, we were going for a whimsical, yet moody feel. With this paint, what we got was Captain America! This led to us having to take all of our paint back to double and triple check that no other batches were affected. The video below explains the entire debacle . . . and how to avoid it in the future!
That same week, we ended up having to scrap the first concept for the custom column we were creating - the original tile would have been too bulky and challenging to work with for our timeline. Thankfully, a quick Sunday visit to The Tile Shop, and help from Corwin and Cyle guided me to master the design pivot and move on to the next task!
Y’all, between the paint debacle and the last-minute change in tile, week two almost took me out . . . I almost threw in the towel! Not really, but I’m VERY dramatic at times. Thankfully, I was working with a team that never let me stay in a mood for long. And since we’d already solved the main issues, it was time to get back to work. We had a restaurant to complete!
Week Three: All Hands on Deck!
It was getting down to the wire, and because of some scheduling overlaps, we all were having to make up for time. From the contractors, painters, upholsterers and the wallpaper hanger, EVERYONE was in the building this week. Thankfully, we had a great playlist, and when the team is built of amazing individuals, what could become a hectic scene turns into a fun and highly productive workplace! We were all in the zone!
SO much progress was being made! And oh yeah, the right paint color came in and was re-applied!
Friend and artist, Frances Berry, came in to create a ceiling mural for what is now known as, The Dragon Room.
And in an effort to save time and money, I decided to try my hand at muraling and painted the wallpaper. We would have still been waiting on the original wallpaper, on which this design is based.
If you want to see the WORK that it took to get this custom upholstered banquette back into its place, check out the quick video below.
Video courtesy of Elizabeth Johnson - one of our upholstery geniuses!
Week 3.5: It’s Really Happening! But Wait . . .
. . . a lot still had to be done! And I do mean a lot! We were down to the wire, and this was the point in the project when all of the smaller details had to come together to really let us know we were close to the finish line.
But then, we all kicked it into HIGH gear!
When I tell you James and James did their THING on this column . . .I jokingly say it took them 30 minutes to complete. But really, it was more like 20 ;-).
Me with Sam Cicci of Memphis Magazine
During all of that, the team somehow managed to be part of a couple of press interviews . . . How, during THAT week? I'll still never know!
Left on the punch list for the final week:
Rope light installation for the Dragon Room
Paint touchups
Faucet installation
Gallery and plant wall installation - mom did the plant wall!
Art hanging
Final window treatment installation
General cleanup
Did we pull it off?
October 29th . . . We Did It!
Photography by Sarah Rossi for City Lifestyle Memphis
Photography by Sarah Rossi for City Lifestyle Memphis
Photography by Sarah Rossi for City Lifestyle Memphis
Photography by Sarah Rossi for City Lifestyle Memphis
Even though we planned, planned and planned some more, I am still in shock that we actually made the deadline. And BEAUTIFULLY I might add! Despite all delays, and potential delays, we came in and turned what was only a concept just 3.5 prior into one of the hottest spots in the city!
Without the work done by Handyman Pro and team, Anthony, Caleb, Miguel, Elizabeth, Randy, Lisa and mom, and my mom (and dad for moral support - he was working on a project) . . I think we’d still be working on this project now. Honestly, this was THE dream team! We did that!
Why the Dream I Didn’t Know I Needed to Come True?
For me, this was much more than a design project. This was a way for me to push my creative boundaries, prove to myself and my trajectory as a designer that I AM capable! From not being able to go straight into design after college - a story for another day - and 10 years after graduation, this was a “you belong here” project. Project Pantà helped put me on the path to finally rid myself of that pesky imposter syndrome that tries to take over!
And to Kelly, Aaron and Caleb, I couldn’t be more thrilled and honored that you chose me to be your designer for this project! Thank you!
Photography by Sarah Rossi for City Lifestyle Memphis
Since project Pantà, my books have filled up with prospective commercial and hospitality design projects! Who would have thought that the design path I tried to run away from in the past would form part of my new story as David Quarles, IV . . . who I’m meant to be!
Special thanks to:
T Clifton Art - for all of the frames!
We Tight Knit and Harper Steinmetz, Frances Berry and Zach Roach for your contributions of art!